June 6, 1945


Kenneth Cline remains hospitalized at the base hospital at Wendling as the 392nd Bombardment Group’s remaining units and personnel work to close the base and depart. He has been hospitalized for 18 days.

The Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy just one year earlier.

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8 Responses to June 6, 1945

  1. Do we know if there were many others in the hospital at that time? It must be getting rather quiet there.


    • a gray says:

      I don’t know what the hospital’s patient population was; however, I suspect that it was low and growing increasingly so. I don’t know how the 392nd’saircraft were redeployed to the U.S., but we have already seen Ken’s combat crew leave for the States. In the closing of the base, there would have been little need for combat crews, and I would guess that they and their command structure would have been among the first to go. That would have left Ken the odd man out. I wonder if he has been somewhat forgotten in the rush to shut down the base and, perhaps, see London one last time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It would be nice for him to have one last ‘Tour’ of London before his final departure. It’s an interesting point, I wonder how many others were in similar situations as based closed and units departed!


  2. jfwknifton says:

    It doesn’t seem very logical to keep your fingers crossed for somebody 70 years in the past, but I am doing it!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Can you remind me what his injury was that caused him to remain behind?


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